The 8th Annual Forum will cover topics of particular importance for the Danube region: connectivity and regional mobility, fostering clusters development, including digitalization, people to people links and tourism. The second day of the Forum will be dedicated to post-2020 EU policy design, with a focus on the role of Interreg DTP and of ESI Funds for the region. An emphasis will be placed on the possibilities of creating better synergies between macro-regional strategies and EU programs and policies in the framework of the new Cohesion Policy. Discussions over new opportunities for enhancing funding for macro-regional strategies will also feature in the program prominently.

  1. The Public Hearings Workshop and the dedicated session about the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan will allow stakeholders to take stock of the ongoing progress and at the same time become involved more in shaping the Strategy’s future by sharing concrete proposals for the final stage of EUSDR’s Action Plan Revision. For that result, a public consultations will be organized by the Danube Strategy Point with the support of the Romanian EUSDR Presidency.
  2. The Forum will be preceded by a Ministerial meeting that will take place in the morning of the 27th of June, allowing the Ministers in charge of Economic Affairs from the EUSDR participating countries to share views and provide strategic guidance for enhancing competitiveness and economic convergence in the Danube region.
  3. The Ministry for Business Environment, Commerce and Entrepreneurship of Romania will organize, throughout the duration of this event, an exhibition dedicated to promoting the best practices & success stories of transnational cooperation in the Danube Region.
  4. Business to Business (B2B) sessions will be organized for the first time within an Annual EUSDR Forum by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and regional partners, represented by the Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry (member of the EEN) and with the support of the Romanian Ministry for Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship and the European Commission/ DG GROW. The 8th EUSDR Annual Forum will continue the tradition of bringing together a balanced number of high level officials and independent civil society experts from both the EU and non-EU countries sharing their expertise on current developments that could impact the Danube region.

More info:

The eu4myregion project will be also present at the event. Visit our information stand at the conference venue and get your EU4MYREGION Survival Kit or come and join us at the session on civil society involvement and the EUSDR!